“Je suis un homme parmi 7 milliards d’Autres. Depuis 40 ans, je photographie notre planète et la diversité humaine et j’ai le sentiment que l’humanité n’avance pas. On n’arrive toujours pas à vivre ensemble. Pourquoi? Ce n’est pas dans les statistiques, dans les analyses que j’ai cherché la réponse, mais dans l’Homme.”
These words spoken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a French photographer and journalist are loosely translated to mean that Yann finds much of humanity still at odds with one another. He seeks to discover why we cannot advance relationally. Why is our mutual existence so devoid of harmony?
His approach is unique, because rather than distribute labels, collect data and report statistics, he has gone deeper. Most of his life’s work, numerous books, exhibitions and films have involved very personal explorations of the world around him. His recent film, “Human” is what I consider to be the apex of his career. Not only has he dismissed third party information, he has also circumvented secondary sources by diving straight into the heart of these primary source interviews, letting the people speak for themselves.
Through watching this film, you will discover, if you have not already, that life is full of paradox. Alongside great beauty, there will always exist something foul. For one to know love, they must have experienced the stark contrast of pain. With every so-called selfless gift, there is a reciprocal desire.
As you watch this film and join Arthus-Bertrand on his quest for understanding regarding humanity, you may be left with more questions than answers. However, you will come away with a fresh understanding that there is much more to this world than what is found in your own small sphere. You will be forced to acknowledge that your daily choices are paradoxically consequential and insignificant. There’s no need to stress about the impact you will make on this world, but do be aware that you make an impact just by living.
Find out more about Yann Arthus-Bertrand here.
M. Sparks